NRIADD Bhubaneswar Recruitment 2015 SRF, DEO, MTS
Posted by Unknown
on Saturday, 31 January 2015
National Research Institute of Ayurvedic Drug Development (NRIADD) Bhubaneswar (Odisha State) Walk in Interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Data Entry operator (DEO) and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) on Contract Basis to work in various research projects in the Institute. Walk in Interview will be held on 11th and 12th February 2015.
Name of Position
No of Posts
Age Limit
Consolidated Emoluments
Senior Research Fellow (Ayurvedic)
35 Years
Rs.20,000/- PM + 20% HRA
Data Entry Operator (DEO)
30 Years
Rs.13,000/- PM Consolidated
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
30 Years
Rs.10,000/- PM Consolidated
Minimum Educational Qualifications:
SRF –> Essential - B.A.M.S; Desirable - MD/MS (Ayurveda).
DEO –> Essential - Graduate in any discipline. Diploma in Computer application. Desirable - Good knowledge in English/Hindi.
MTS –> 10th Standard (Matriculation) (SSC)
Walk in Interview:
SRF -> 11/02/2015 at 10:00 AM
DEO & MTS -> 12/02/2015 at 10:00 AM
DEO & MTS -> 12/02/2015 at 10:00 AM
Selection Process: There will be a written test on 11/02/2015 at 10:00 a.m. for the post of SRF (Ay.) and on 12/02/2015 at 10:00 a.m. for Data Entry Operator and only qualified candidates in the written test will be interviewed.
Applicant should bring their Bio-data in the prescribe format along with original certificates, experience certificates, etc. with a set of photocopies of required documents duly attested and two recent passport size photographs.
Detailed Notification >> |
Tagged as: Govt Jobs

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