FMS students learn about banking system, entrepreneurship

Posted by Unknown on Friday, 16 January 2015 0

VADODARA: M S University's Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) has started inviting guest lecturers for imparting practical knowledge and skill to the students in order to acquaint them with real proceedings of the field. 

As part of this drive, the faculty had recently organized two guest lectures. 

A lecture on 'Indian Banking System' by faculty alumnus Pathik Gandotra, who is an electronics and communication engineer by profession and founder director of Dron Capital, was organized by the faculty recently. 

Later, another lecture on 'Entrepreneurship' by business strategist and consultant J C Shukla, who is a mechanical engineer by profession, was also organized. 

Shukla is an MBA from IIM-A and has over 35 years of experience in operating as CEO, managing director, advisor and consultant. 

During the lecture on Indian banking system, budding managers learned about the capital adequacy to be kept by a bank, what is banks' capital, how it is being generated and what it means to investors and customers. The students were also briefed about the concepts such as types of capitals, types of funds, different types of rating system and who decides these rates. 

During the lecture on entrepreneurship, Shukla briefed the students about the concepts related to entrepreneurship through information and communication technology (ICT) and why it is so much required in the current times. 

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