ARRI Itanagar Recruitment 2014 Senior Research Fellows
Posted by Unknown
on Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Ayurveda Regional Research Institute (ARRI) Itanagar Walk in interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under IMR project of CCRAS, New Delhi. Walk in Interview will be held on 30th December 2014.
About: ARRI, Itanagar - Central council for research in Ayurvedic Science (CCRAS), Deptt. of Ayush, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of india.
Name of the Projectand Duration
Name of the Post
No of Post
Qualification & Experience
Tribal Health Care Research Project Covering Arunachal Pradesh State under Annual Action Plan 2014-2015
Duration: 01 year
Senior ResearchFellow (Ayurveda)
Essential: BAMS. Desirable: MD/MS (Ay.) for Ayurveda.
Rs. 20,000/-p.m..+ 10% HRA
Intra Mural Research-Project (IMRP).
Duration: 02 years
Senior ResearchFellow (Ayurveda)
Essential: BAMS. Desirable: MD/MS (Ay.) for Ayurveda.
Rs.-18000/- + 10% HRA p.m.
Selection Process: Selection procedure will comprise of a written test followed by interview of candidates who qualify in written test on the same day.
Walk in Interview -> 30/12/2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the office of the Research Officer (Scientist-4) In-charge. Ayurveda Regional Research Institute Itanagar.
Applicants should bring their Bio-Data in the prescribe format available on Council's (CCRAS) website along with two original certificates, experience certificate, etc. with a set of photocopies and two resent passport size photographs.
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