IAMR Recruitment 2014 Consultants in NILERD
Posted by Unknown
on Monday, 24 November 2014
National Institute of Labour Economics Research & Development (NILERD) for engagement of Consultant (Administration) and Consultant (Finance) in Administration & Finance Department. Eligible persons apply within 15 days from the date of advertisement (Dated 22nd November 2014).
Post Name
No of Post
Educational Qualifications
Consultant (Administration)
Professionals having a Bachelor's/ Master's Degree with minimum10 years of post qualification, experience in Recruitment Rules. Roster implementation. RTI. other administrative and legal matters.
Consultant (Finance)
Professionals having a Bachelors/ Master's Degree with minimum 10 years of post qualification experience in GFR and other financial matters. Retired Govt, employees with GP of Rs. 7600/- and above with 10 years experience in relevant field would also be eligible
Application Fee: A non refundable demand draft of Rs.500/- as application fee in favor of National Institute of Labour Economics Research & Development should be enclosed with the application form. Only advance copy of application can be sent by email - dir.iamr@nic.in.
How To Apply: The interested and eligible candidates may send their application by post to "Director General, National Institute of Labour Economics Research & Development 53. Lodhl Estate. New Delhi - 110003 Telephone No. 011-24697082 Fax - 011-24697081". The last date for receipt of application is 06/12/2014.
Tagged as: Govt Jobs

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