Indian Oil Recruitment through UGC-NET Exam 2014
Posted by Unknown
on Thursday, 30 October 2014
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Recruitment of Marketing and HR Professionals through UGC-NET Examination of December 2014. IOCL is looking for energetic and dedicated Post Graduates in Marketing and Human Resource Management for recruitment of the post of Officers - Selection based on University Grant Commission-National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) examination Dec 2014. Eligible candidates are required to appear UGC NET exam will be held on 28th December 2014, Indian Oil Online Registration open from 7th November 2014.
Corresponding UGC-NET (December, 2014) Paper and Subject Code
Educational Qualifications
Management (Subject Code 17)
2 year full-time regular course leading to Post Graduate Diploma (PGDM)/Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) or equivalent with specialization in Marketing Management from a recognized Indian University/Institute.
Human Resource Management
Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management (Subject Code 55)
2 year full-time regular course leading to Post Gradaute Diploma/Masters Degree in Human Resource Management/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/Labour Welfare/Social Work with specialization in Personnel Management & Labour Welfare or equivalent qualification from a recognized Indian University/Institute
Age Limit (as on 30/06/2015)
(1) Maximum 30 years for candidates belonging to General category, who have completed degree in Engineering (B.E/B.Tech or equivalent) prior to pursuing their post graduate studies in Business Administration/Human Resource Management.
(2) For other candidates (other than Engineering at Graduation level) belonging to the General category, the maximum permissible age will be 26 years.
(3) Age relaxation of maximum 3 years to candidates belonging to OBC category (Non-Creamy Layer), 5 years to candidates belonging to SC/ST categories and 10 years to candidates belonging to PwD categories will be extended as per the Presidential Directives/Government guidelines.
Pay Scale: Rs.24,900-50,000/- and receive a starting basic pay of Rs. 24,900/-per month.
Selection Process: Eligible Post Graduate candidates from Marketing and HR disciplines, desirous of taking up a career with IndianOil are required to appear in UGC-NET examination (Conducted by CBSE) scheduled on 28th December, 2014 in the respective disciplines. Only UGC-NET Exam Qualified candidates will be considered for shortlisting for further selection process comprising Group Discussion (GD) / Group Task (GT) and Personal Interview (PI).
How To Apply: Online Registration is a two stage process: First - Candidates are required to first submit their application ON-LINE for UGC-NET examination on or before 15/11/2014. Second - After downloading the Application Form, Attendance Slip and Admit Card of UGC-NET examination of Dec-2014, the candidates should apply to IndianOil Online from 07/11/2014 and end on 28/12/2014.
Important Dates:
Last date for applying for UGC-NET (December,2014) examination ON-LINE and generation of filled Bank Challan for Fee -> 15th November 2014
Last Date of submission of Fee through on-line generated Bank Challan, at any branch of (Syndicate/ Canara/ICICI Bank) for UGC-NET Examination of December 2014 -> 18th November 2014
Last date of taking printout of Application Form, Attendance Slip and Admit Card from CBSE website for UGC-NET examination of December 2014 -> 19th November 2014
Last date for receiving the printout of online Application Form (one copy) and Attendance Slip (one copy) at the respective Coordinating Institution opted by the candidate (with fee receipt & category certificate(s)) -> 25th November 2014
UGC-NET examination -> 28th December 2014
Last date of receiving ONLINE application by IndianOil -> 28th December 2014
Detailed Advertisement >> | UGC-NET Dec 2014 Notification, Apply Online >> |
Tagged as: Govt Jobs

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